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The 6 Basic Components of a powerful SEO Strategy for Online Retailers

This means that your content on the Internet contains certain components that Google's algorithm detects and then ranks the content.

The main goal of digital marketing is to achieve good search engine optimization – SEO. This means that your content on the Internet contains certain components that Google’s algorithm detects and then ranks the content.

If you are an online salesperson or an influencer, you want your story to be seen and noticed. Then your goal is surely to be ranked as good as possible on Google when your potential customer or user is surfing Google.

There are many tactics on how to get to the first page of Google search, but 6 (Basic Components of SEO) of them are the most relevant.

Basic Components of SEO:

1. Keywords

To achieve a good SEO strategy, start with key words. These are the main words that are directly related to the topic and content that you place on the Internet.

SEO experts know which keyword to use in order to connect their content on the Internet with the user. This makes it easier for you as a company, because it is easier to reach the target group. While on the other hand, it is also easier for users because they get an answer to their query faster.

For starters, start with brainstorming ideas on which keywords to use wisely, because Google doesn’t like overcrowding. Use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool, which will show you your competition.

If some words are used too much, it would be best to avoid them. Look for words that are less competitive for your business.

The advice is to use it with a long tail, that is, with two or five words, and it will be easier for you to rank. The principle is clear. The longer the keyword, the less competition and more accessible it will be to search engines.

2.Meta tags

What are Meta tags? When you enter a word in a search engine, you will see how that word stands out in the title of individual pages that are search results.

This happens because Google looks at the title of a web page as a signal of relevance to the word you have searched for. This also applies to the content of the description of that page.

In the past, webmasters tried to rule Google, as did others who only wanted to impose themselves with the help of keywords. There is no reason to worry here anymore, because Google has stated that it will not pay so much attention to the keyword title tag. The reason for that is arrogant behavior and manipulation


As far as content is concerned, it is the most important. Google search engines have stated that this is the main parameter they will use to rank content.

If you want to position yourself well in search results, create quality content that will meet the needs of users. This will affect the positive user experience and the relevance of your content.


If content is the head, then backlinks are the neck of good SEO strategies. The emphasis here is on the quality of the links themselves that point to the site, and not on their quantity. You can build a backlinks by sending a press release about an interesting company on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.

It is also useful to contact blogs that cover the same area of work and talk to them about space for collaboration. The goal is to get backlinks from their website.

Some of the tips are to make the best possible page with your products. People who talk about the products you sell can connect back. Also, try creating graphics or content that will encourage bloggers and websites with the skills to link that content.

5. Social media

Stores that generate their traffic over the Internet must have social networks. First of all, these are platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, and lately the increasingly popular Tik-Tok.

Today, search engines rely more than ever on signals about relevance based entirely on social media.

Algorithms are much different than they used to be. Many communities ask their users to rate content and recommend new content based on that. An example is YouTube, which includes user views and ratings for the purposes of its ranking.

6.Product images

It is not said in vain that a picture speaks a thousand words. Many people who surf the internet will come to your site through a picture.

Consumers often use the internet to buy some product they need. If they know exactly what they need and what it looks like, they are more likely to look at the results of the images.

For this reason, it is important to have a quality product image on the site and for the file name to contain relevant keywords. It is such images that will rank well, and the products will have a higher sales potential.

Keep in mind…

It is very important how you face the competition. In addition to these 6 key components for a strong SEO strategy, you should also pay attention to your competition. Analyze your competitors and see what they do to optimize their pages, how they do off-site optimization and content on social media.

You probably do a lot of the same things. That’s why it’s important to think outside the box. That will give you an edge over the competition.

Also, you should be aware that algorithms have changed as the internet itself has evolved. They develop further and you have to keep up with the times.

You need to keep up with trends and know good examples in order for your online store to be run according to search engine rules. Only then w you will have lasting and constant results.

We discuss all Basic Components of SEO.


91 thoughts on “The 6 Basic Components of a powerful SEO Strategy for Online Retailers”

  1. Fachanwalt Arbeitsrecht Holsterhausen Essen

    Hi admin, Your posts are always a great source of information.

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