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Social Media Marketing

The audience you want to interact with is already using social platforms, and if you do not connect with them directly, you are missing out on a chance to stand ahead of your competitors. As the social media manager of your organization, International Tramp captures the full potential of social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

We use these social media platforms to help your business reach targeted customers and convert them. All the platforms have the potential to reach the masses. We analyze which is the best for you and work on the key areas to bring the best results.

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Social Media Marketing-International Tramp
Social Media Marketing Services

Social Media Marketing Services

Everyone today uses social media. And to make the most out of it for you is our responsibility. Having a personal social page is way distinct from a social media page for business. Social media for business requires a complete understanding of the platforms, their unique strategies, analytics and new trends and rules.

The social media consultants at International Tramp have the expertise to leverage such platforms to your benefit. It is also important to know how the strategy performs. We measure the impressions of your account, the reach of your account, the number of impressions your posts get, the targeted traffic your account generates and much more. Perhaps, not every platform is made for your business. To analyze the perfect platform that makes the best for you, help you select a social channel that brings in results.

Being the social media consultant, we prioritize our efforts to run social media campaigns, improve engagement with posts, and ultimately drive sales. Also, there can be many things that can get you in trouble while using social media, such as using copyrighted images and copying content. Our talented and experienced strategists channelize their skills to avoid such mistakes and provide you with new and well-researched content.

Strategy planning

We know that your customers also want to talk to you. Our social media strategies are not merely one-way sales pitches and one-way campaign messages. From social media consultancy to monitoring and PR, International Tramp assists you with all. 

Instagram Marketing Services

With more than a billion users per month, Instagram offers a massive opportunity for growth to your company. And we leverage all the Instagram tools and generate maximum leads. Sometimes, it is difficult to cope with the platform’s changing algorithms. We take away this burden from your shoulders and stay updated with new algorithms. 

Instagram-International Tramp
Facebook-International Tramp

Facebook Marketing Services

Facebook is an old yet useful platform for businesses. Our Facebook advertising services deliver phenomenal results with the right campaigns targeted to the correct set of audiences. We help you manage, optimize, and improve your performance on Facebook and increase your return on investment.

LinkedIn Marketing Services

LinkedIn alone holds more than half of the buying power. It is a platform with existing 60 million senior executives and 40 billion decision-makers. It is no less than a gold mine for your business. Our marketing critics and experts make extensive use of this platform to bring your personal and professional brand alive in front of potential customers.

LinkedIn-International Tramp
YouTube-International Tramp

YouTube Marketing Services

After images and infographics, videos are the most-watched by people. To turn this fact into an advantage for your business, we put our best foot forward. Our team of skilled professionals derive data-driven results by incorporating SEO and video optimization techniques. You can trust us with all your heart when it comes to Youtube Marketing.   

Twitter Marketing Services

There are very few people who think of Twitter as a growth and development platform. We are among those who have managed to generate leads from our expert and engaging content suitable for the platform. It is the most influential platform, and making the best use of it is our responsibility.

Twitter-International Tramp
Pinterest-International Tramp

Pinterest Marketing Services

The digital scrapbook, Pinterest, is a platform that has made many business ideas possible. People scroll through Pinterest posts and make future plans and purchases. It has become a powerhouse space for search. Grow your brand’s visibility through our Pinterest marketing strategies and enjoy the maximized conversions.